Sunday, 27 February 2011

First day at work

Finally! The big day arrived. I became a full-time working student/employee. At least, for the upcoming six months. This post will be about the first day and the first impressions during the first two weeks. Just how I see fit.

The team of Hello Scotland (to read about the company just click on the logo at the left upper side of this website, that will take you straight to their great homepage) consists of five women and a "big boss" Bill who acts as the ambassador of the DMC (Destination Management Company). All of my "colleagues" are very nice, patient and offer me a helping hand whenever possible. Their lovely personalities are one of the main reasons why I feel so great at this company and why I´m looking forward to working at the end of every weekend.

There are further two reasons I can think of just now why I like being an intern at Hello Scotland.

1) I am working in the marketing section three days a week and the other two days I spend helping the project team with organising different trips to Scotland.  I simply like the work itself! It was a little bit chaotic in the first moments. I had to soak up quite a load of information during the first two weeks and even afterwards tons of information literally jumped at me from every single task I was told to do. Especially the project work was completely new to me so I just tried not to think too much about what I was doing, just intuitively decided what to do and it worked. I didn´t even really understand what I was doing at the beginning which was weird and funny at once because I got it right anyway (most of the time). :-)

2) The second reason is responsibility. The team gave me important tasks from the beginning on. No copying, no coffee making (I made my first coffee for others at the second week of working first!)....I had a chance to dealt with real tasks like booking restaurants and updating customer database. Even though the update of customer database wasn´t so much fun as it was quite a hard and long work, I have never felt like I couldn´t do it anymore. When I felt I needed a distraction from all the information on customers I simply decided to deal with another task for some time, for example organising of images on our computers. :-)

To sum it up.... the first two weeks of work were great and I feel like I´ve learnt so much already.

And great things are about to come which make this internship even more exciting and worth every single penny! :-) More about these later.............. 

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